[leetcode][Database][Hard] 1127. User Purchase Platform

Zheng-Wei, Liu
7 min readDec 6, 2022



Table: Spending

| Column Name | Type |
| user_id | int |
| spend_date | date |
| platform | enum |
| amount | int |
The table logs the history of the spending of users that make purchases from an online shopping website that has a desktop and a mobile application.
(user_id, spend_date, platform) is the primary key of this table.
The platform column is an ENUM type of ('desktop', 'mobile').

Write an SQL query to find the total number of users and the total amount spent using the mobile only, the desktop only, and both mobile and desktop together for each date.

Return the result table in any order.

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Spending (user_id int, spend_date date, platform ENUM('desktop', 'mobile'), amount int)
Truncate table Spending
insert into Spending (user_id, spend_date, platform, amount) values ('1', '2019-07-01', 'mobile', '100')
insert into Spending (user_id, spend_date, platform, amount) values ('1', '2019-07-01', 'desktop', '100')
insert into Spending (user_id, spend_date, platform, amount) values ('2', '2019-07-01', 'mobile', '100')
insert into Spending (user_id, spend_date, platform, amount) values ('2', '2019-07-02', 'mobile', '100')
insert into Spending (user_id, spend_date, platform, amount) values ('3', '2019-07-01', 'desktop', '100')
insert into Spending (user_id, spend_date, platform, amount) values ('3', '2019-07-02', 'desktop', '100')


  • 題目要求統計透過用戶 user在使用PC desktop、手機APP mobile 以及兩者皆有 both 的採購金額 amount
    分開計算PC desktop 和手機APPmobile 並不困難,因此需要著手處理的是兩者皆有 both 採購紀錄的用戶,並將這些用戶從PC desktop和手機APPmobile 的統計中分離出來。
  • 透過 with clause 建立 p_user_platform 表格,從 spending 表格帶出 user_idspend_date,並透過 group by user_id, spend_date 將資料分組為每個用戶 user_id 在每個 spend_date 的採購資料,並分開加總 platform="mobile"platform="desktop" 的採購數量 amount以賦予 mobild_amountdesktop_amount 欄位。
  • 透過 with clause 建立 p_user_summary 表格,判斷 mobild_amountdesktop_amount 的值,將每位用戶在每個 spend_date 的採購情形分類成 desktopmobileboth
    這個步驟也可以在建立 p_user_platform 的過程中進行分類,但我傾向明確每張表格的用途,以便理解每一個 query statement 中引用的資料表格與欄位。
  • 透過 with clause 建立 p_spend_date 表格,並在 spending 表格擷取所有不重複的 spend_date ,並將每個不重複的 spend_date 擴展成帶有 desktopmobileboth 的 record 。
    這個動作會將每個不重複的 spend_date ,從原先的 1 row 擴展成 3 rows。
  • 透過查詢 p_spend_date 作為主要表格,使用 left join p_user_summary 帶出相對應 spend_dateplatform 的 record set,並利用 spend_dateplatform 統計出該 spend_datedesktopmobileboth 的總採購量 total_amount 和總計人數 total_user


p_user_platform as (
user_id, spend_date,
sum(case when platform = 'mobile' then amount else 0 end) as mobile_amount,
sum(case when platform = 'desktop' then amount else 0 end) as desktop_amount
from spending
group by user_id, spend_date
p_user_summary as (
user_id, spend_date,
if(mobile_amount > 0, if(desktop_amount > 0, 'both', 'mobile'), 'desktop') as platform,
mobile_amount + desktop_amount as amount
from p_user_platform
p_spend_date as (
select distinct(spend_date), 'desktop' as platform from spending
select distinct(spend_date), 'mobile' as platform from spending
select distinct(spend_date), 'both' as platform from spending

a.spend_date, a.platform,
sum(ifnull(b.amount,0)) as total_amount,
count(b.user_id) as total_users
from p_spend_date a
left join p_user_summary b using(spend_date, platform)
group by a.spend_date, a.platform



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