[leetcode][Database][Hard] 1159. Market Analysis II

Zheng-Wei, Liu
8 min readDec 6, 2022



Table: Users

| Column Name | Type |
| user_id | int |
| join_date | date |
| favorite_brand | varchar |
user_id is the primary key of this table.
This table has the info of the users of an online shopping website where users can sell and buy items.

Table: Orders

| Column Name | Type |
| order_id | int |
| order_date | date |
| item_id | int |
| buyer_id | int |
| seller_id | int |
order_id is the primary key of this table.
item_id is a foreign key to the Items table.
buyer_id and seller_id are foreign keys to the Users table.

Table: Items

| Column Name | Type |
| item_id | int |
| item_brand | varchar |
item_id is the primary key of this table.

Write an SQL query to find for each user whether the brand of the second item (by date) they sold is their favorite brand. If a user sold less than two items, report the answer for that user as no. It is guaranteed that no seller sold more than one item on a day.

Return the result table in any order.

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Users (user_id int, join_date date, favorite_brand varchar(10))
Create table If Not Exists Orders (order_id int, order_date date, item_id int, buyer_id int, seller_id int)
Create table If Not Exists Items (item_id int, item_brand varchar(10))
Truncate table Users
insert into Users (user_id, join_date, favorite_brand) values ('1', '2019-01-01', 'Lenovo')
insert into Users (user_id, join_date, favorite_brand) values ('2', '2019-02-09', 'Samsung')
insert into Users (user_id, join_date, favorite_brand) values ('3', '2019-01-19', 'LG')
insert into Users (user_id, join_date, favorite_brand) values ('4', '2019-05-21', 'HP')
Truncate table Orders
insert into Orders (order_id, order_date, item_id, buyer_id, seller_id) values ('1', '2019-08-01', '4', '1', '2')
insert into Orders (order_id, order_date, item_id, buyer_id, seller_id) values ('2', '2019-08-02', '2', '1', '3')
insert into Orders (order_id, order_date, item_id, buyer_id, seller_id) values ('3', '2019-08-03', '3', '2', '3')
insert into Orders (order_id, order_date, item_id, buyer_id, seller_id) values ('4', '2019-08-04', '1', '4', '2')
insert into Orders (order_id, order_date, item_id, buyer_id, seller_id) values ('5', '2019-08-04', '1', '3', '4')
insert into Orders (order_id, order_date, item_id, buyer_id, seller_id) values ('6', '2019-08-05', '2', '2', '4')
Truncate table Items
insert into Items (item_id, item_brand) values ('1', 'Samsung')
insert into Items (item_id, item_brand) values ('2', 'Lenovo')
insert into Items (item_id, item_brand) values ('3', 'LG')
insert into Items (item_id, item_brand) values ('4', 'HP')


  • 題目要求判斷每位 seller 賣出的第二項 item 是否為該 seller 的喜愛品牌,並輸出 NoYes 作為每位 seller 的分類結果。若某位 seller 只賣出一項 item,則結果應為 No
  • 透過 with clause 建立 order_info 表格,利用 rank()函式並依據賣出日期 orders.order_date 為每一筆銷售資料進行排序 rank_sell_item
    同時,為 order_info 表格關聯 users表格以帶出每位 user的喜愛品牌 users.favorite_brand
  • 透過 with clause 建立 second_sell_brand 表格,並判斷 second_sell_brand.sell_brand = second_sell_brand.seller_fav_brand 以輸出 YesNo
  • 透過查詢 users 作為主要表格,使用 left join second_sell_brand 帶出每位 seller 賣出第二項 item 是否為自己的喜愛品牌結果。
    在建立 second_sell_brand 表格時,由於篩選條件 rank_sell_item=2 會過濾掉只賣出過一次的 user 資訊;而在 orders 表格中也存在某些 user 沒有賣出的紀錄。
    因此需要透過 left join second_sell_brand 保證每位 user 都包含於最終的輸出結果中。


order_info as (
a.order_id, a.order_date, c.item_brand as sell_brand,
a.seller_id, b.favorite_brand as seller_fav_brand,
rank() over(partition by a.seller_id order by a.order_date) as rank_sell_item
from orders a
join users b on b.user_id = a.seller_id
join items c on c.item_id = a.item_id
order by a.order_id, a.order_date
second_sell_brand as (
if(sell_brand=seller_fav_brand, "yes", "no") as 2nd_item_fav_brand
from order_info
where rank_sell_item = 2

a.user_id as seller_id,
ifnull(b.2nd_item_fav_brand,"no") as 2nd_item_fav_brand
from users a
left join second_sell_brand b on b.seller_id = a.user_id



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