[leetcode][Database][Hard] 571. Find Median Given Frequency of Numbers

Zheng-Wei, Liu
4 min readDec 6, 2022



Table: Numbers

| Column Name | Type |
| num | int |
| frequency | int |
num is the primary key for this table.
Each row of this table shows the frequency of a number in the database.

The median is the value separating the higher half from the lower half of a data sample.

Write an SQL query to report the median of all the numbers in the database after decompressing the Numbers table. Round the median to one decimal point.

SQL Schema

Create table If Not Exists Numbers (num int, frequency int)
Truncate table Numbers
insert into Numbers (num, frequency) values ('0', '7')
insert into Numbers (num, frequency) values ('1', '1')
insert into Numbers (num, frequency) values ('2', '3')
insert into Numbers (num, frequency) values ('3', '1')


  • 題目要求輸出 Numbers 表格的中位數 median
    本題要求的邏輯為 :
    1. 先將 Numbers 內的數字 num 以頻次 frequency 展開為等長的數列
    2. L ← 將所有 num 展開的數列依 num 大小有序串接
    3. 求出 L 的中位數 median,並將中位數作為輸出結果
Numbers table:
| num | frequency |
| 0 | 7 |
| 1 | 1 |
| 2 | 3 |
| 3 | 1 |
| median |
| 0.0 |
If we decompress the Numbers table,
we will get [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3],
so the median is (0 + 0) / 2 = 0.
  • 中位數的定義 → 在一組數列 S 中,有一半數字個數會小於中位數,另外一半數字個數會大於中位數。假設
    L ← 數列 S 中,小於等於 Numbers.num 的數字個數
    R ← 數列 S 中,大於等於 Numbers.num 的數字個數
    N ← 數列 S 中,Numbers.num 的數字個數
    則數列 S 的數字個數應等同於 L + N + R , 對 Numbers 中的所有 num ,該條件都成立
  • 考慮當 L R 的情況,若Numbers.num是中位數,當 N 加入至個數較少的短邊時 ( LR ) ,被 N 加入的短邊會成為長邊:
    L < RL + N > R
    R < LR + N > L
    Numbers.num不是中位數,當 L < R ,即使把 N 放到短邊,仍會得到 L + N < R 的結果,這表示 N 不在數列中間
  • 考慮當 L = R 的情況,根據定義已知 Numbers.num是中位數


round(avg(n.num),1) median
from Numbers n
n.Frequency >= abs(
(select sum(Frequency) from Numbers where num<=n.num) -
(select sum(Frequency) from Numbers where num>=n.num)



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